"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
II Timothy 2:15
Excel Christian Academy uses the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum. Be sure to watch this video to learn more about the curriculum "Presenting A.C.E." video
Accelerated Christian Education has a, 40 year, proven academic record and is used in approximately seven thousand schools in over 145 countries.
A.C.E. is an individualized self-paced curriculum. Every student is given a diagnostic test and placed on a level of curriculum most beneficial to them. The curriculum allows students to work on a level where they feel successful and are most capable to learn and excel.
The focus of the learning center is on students actively learning and understanding. It is more crucial for us to teach students to learn independently than to teach them what they need to know. An independent learner can manage their time wisely and take full responsiblility for their own learning.
Graduates from the A.C.E. curriculum are self-disciplined and ready for advancement.
II Timothy 2:15
Excel Christian Academy uses the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum. Be sure to watch this video to learn more about the curriculum "Presenting A.C.E." video
Accelerated Christian Education has a, 40 year, proven academic record and is used in approximately seven thousand schools in over 145 countries.
A.C.E. is an individualized self-paced curriculum. Every student is given a diagnostic test and placed on a level of curriculum most beneficial to them. The curriculum allows students to work on a level where they feel successful and are most capable to learn and excel.
The focus of the learning center is on students actively learning and understanding. It is more crucial for us to teach students to learn independently than to teach them what they need to know. An independent learner can manage their time wisely and take full responsiblility for their own learning.
Graduates from the A.C.E. curriculum are self-disciplined and ready for advancement.
The materials are prescribed individually. A student can move ahead faster or go slower at the best rate for him. Individualization makes it possible for each student to master the subject before moving on. Individualization produces academic excellence. Students take responsibility for their own learning. Biblical values and concepts considered foundational to relationships and productive living are conveyed throughout the curriculum in such a way as to become life-shaping influences.
The materials are self-instructional. Using the ACE materials, a student is able to work on his self-instructional PACEs (Packets of Accelerated Christian Education) even when the supervisor is giving attention to another child. The student can work independently and learn how to take responsibility for learning. Supervisors are there to facilitate, motivate, and occasionally explain instructions or lead students in a thought process to
arrive at an answer.
The PACEs. Curriculum is available for first grade through high school in PACE form. ACE has designed their curriculum on twelve levels of work, with 1001 all the way to 1144. The student should complete, on average, twelve PACEs a year in any given subject. Twelve in Math, twelve in English, etc. This is the average. Some will do more and others less. The learning -limited are never left behind, and the academically gifted are never held back. Students in grades 1st through 4th work in six main subjects: Math, English, Social Studies, Science, Word Building, and Creative Writing. Grades 5th through 8th work in five subjects: Math, English, Social Studies, Science, and Word Building. In High School, students pick up a sixth subject and
concentrate on required courses for earning credits. Every twelve PACEs completed in High School counts as one credit and every six completed as
one-half credit. In a normal school year, a student should complete a total of 60 to 72 PACEs of work.
The Mastery System
The ACE Curriculum requires that a student score at least 90% on PACE tests 1001-1036, and 80% on PACE tests 1037-1144. If a student fails to achieve these scores, he must rework that PACE.
The materials are self-instructional. Using the ACE materials, a student is able to work on his self-instructional PACEs (Packets of Accelerated Christian Education) even when the supervisor is giving attention to another child. The student can work independently and learn how to take responsibility for learning. Supervisors are there to facilitate, motivate, and occasionally explain instructions or lead students in a thought process to
arrive at an answer.
The PACEs. Curriculum is available for first grade through high school in PACE form. ACE has designed their curriculum on twelve levels of work, with 1001 all the way to 1144. The student should complete, on average, twelve PACEs a year in any given subject. Twelve in Math, twelve in English, etc. This is the average. Some will do more and others less. The learning -limited are never left behind, and the academically gifted are never held back. Students in grades 1st through 4th work in six main subjects: Math, English, Social Studies, Science, Word Building, and Creative Writing. Grades 5th through 8th work in five subjects: Math, English, Social Studies, Science, and Word Building. In High School, students pick up a sixth subject and
concentrate on required courses for earning credits. Every twelve PACEs completed in High School counts as one credit and every six completed as
one-half credit. In a normal school year, a student should complete a total of 60 to 72 PACEs of work.
The Mastery System
The ACE Curriculum requires that a student score at least 90% on PACE tests 1001-1036, and 80% on PACE tests 1037-1144. If a student fails to achieve these scores, he must rework that PACE.
The educational concept of A.C.E. was built on five basic laws of learning:- 1. Students must be at subject levels where they can perform.
- 2. Students must set reasonable goals.
- 3. Students must be controlled and motivated.
- 4. Learning must be measurable.
- 5. Learning must be rewarded.
For more details about the curriculum, visit: A.C.E. Curriculum Distinctives.
For more details about the curriculum, visit: A.C.E. Curriculum Distinctives.
From its beginning over 35 years ago, the ACE curriculum has held to these goals:
- A solid back-to-basics education program.
- A course of study individualized to meet a child's specific needs and
learning capabilities. - A program incorporating character-building and wisdom principles.
Colleges and Universities all across the U.S. and in other countries have accepted students that have completed the A.C.E. program. The list includes 94 colleges and universties just in the state of Texas. Included in that list are:
Paris Junior College
Texas A&M University Commerce
Texas A&M University
East Texas Baptist University
Baylor University
Sam Houston State University
University of Texas
and numerous others.